Tuesday, December 30, 2008


There was a girl that made sure everyone knew when the free flu shots were in the area...but did I go...NO

There was a certain husband that bought me all kinds of hand sanatizer...but did I use it...NO

SO NOW WHAT - I AM SICK!!!!!!!!!!Only to blame myself ;)

My sweet husband has went out and got all kinds of meds to try to get me better(that may be for his sake too) but so far still I feel like crap!

So that is why no updates - but when I start feeling better I will post what I got for CHRISTMAS!!!!

Monday, December 8, 2008

My 2008 Christmas Tree!

My Christmas Tree is finally up!! It has taken me over a week to get it up and and ready to show but with a little help last night from Rodney it is finally done!!! Cleo took his spot right under on the tree skirt and made himself right at home ;)