I wish I could say I have been on a 2 week vacation to the beach @ Florida or to Alaska or the Grande Canyon or anywhere really neat ;) BUT I have been...at home...
Yeah on June 7th it start as a great day trout fishing and ended with 5 hours in the ER with my ankle cut and I found out the I had cut my achilles tendon about 1/4 of the way through and I would need to have surgery...a week later I was able to get in for surgery and now yesterday was my 7 day after surgery check up and I was hoping to get the stiches out but the cuts weren't ready to let them go so I have to wait another 7 days...I have some pics but I'll have to wait to post them...they look gross to me...maybe that will be my wordless wednesday ;)
Anyway I just wanted to let everyone know that I hadn't ranaway from the blogging world I just have been in the groggy world of pain meds and laid back on the couch...