Friday, February 29, 2008

Things I Love...

I know that I blessed in so Many ways that sometimes I just want to makesure that I refresh myself with a list...just in case I forget sometimes how good I really have it...that is when I start feeling sorry for myself and really hate to be around myself...:) ANYWAY:

*I love to go to church and worship God...I am glad that I am able to do this with no worries.
*I love my family! 1st my husband that I married 5 years ago (wow) and my parents who are responsible for my raisin' (I have to say they did a great job - thanks!) and all my other etc.
*I am glad I am not a money/thingy person...I would much rather have the time with my family then worrying about the $$ I might inherite when their gone...
*I love that I can get up and take a nice HOT shower...and go to work.
*I may complain, but that 40 minute drive to and from work gives my time to reflect on the day.
*I love that eventhough I don't have any babies of my own there are plenty for me to hold and love on...Eli and Robbie are the SWEETEST BABIES!
*I'm glad that my parents are one of the few that are still married and have only been married once and still get along...
*I love a house I can call HOME and it actually feel like home when I get there in the afternoons!
*I love that Rodney and I can go out and have a nice dinner (I don't have to cook!!!)
*I actually enjoy cleaning and organizing!!! - I feel like I have accomplished something after I am done ;)
*I'm glad I am me!!! I may want to lose a few pounds, but who doesn't and I may want bigger boobs, but again what girl doesn't...I may want a house full of kids, but who doesn't - but maybe I just want to have that house full of kids and then send them all home on a sugar high with their parents!!!!!!

Thanks for reading - love ya!


Mrs. V. said...

I LOVE this post. It's hard to feel blessed after a long day at work or a rough week but it's good to reflect and remember that life isn't always that bad and that it could be worse!

These are my favorite :

*I love that I can get up and take a nice HOT shower...and go to work. Having hot water is the greatest and having a job, even if I may hate it on a daily basis!

*I'm glad that my parents are one of the few that are still married and have only been married once and still get along... So many of my friends parents are divorced and I feel so lucky to have my parents TOGETHER and still married and HAPPY. It gives me hope that marriages can actually work!

*I love a house I can call HOME and it actually feel like home when I get there in the afternoons! This year we will have our own house and I cannot wait!!!

*I actually enjoy cleaning and organizing!!! - I feel like I have accomplished something after I am done ;) Even if I complain about it I truly love cleaning and organizing. I always feel so much better after cleaning and feel very accomplished!

I agree with the last part too, even the boobs!, but I'm glad to be me, too.

Thanks so much for this post, very encouraging!

Mrs. V. said...
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Anonymous said...

I love this post and might have to borrow the topic for my blog. :) Thanks for including Eli in it.