Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Movie on Lifetime

I watched a good movie last night on Lifetime...I am not big on setting down and staying there for an entire movie but this one had me...I can't remember the name of it though??? (sounds about right) Anyway it was about a girl that found love and then the man was taken away by fire...then she met someone else and she fell in love with him...then he was taken away by a bomb and was burned pretty bad...Then the 3rd guys well you just need to watch the movie...

It just made me think about everything and that there are people in our lives that we don't even relize are there. In this movie it was someone from her past that was doing everything he could so she wasn't happy...

Of course, I watched this movie and then dreamed about it, so needless to say I was chased all night :)

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