Wednesday, April 30, 2008

7 & 8 of 17

Well, Well, Well, Tuesday and Wednesday went by so fast! I had to make a couple of runs to town today for the vet and the $ store...I found some raw hide bones etc. for Alex...he is tearing everything up so hopefully this will help - he is such a PUPPY!!! Also I got some meds for the vet that is suppose to be like prozac for puppies so we will see if that calms him down...

Wednesday...O ME...I get up let Alex and Skip out then take a shower and getting ready and open the door for them to come in - no dogs arounds - so I give them another 15 minutes and go and skip is ready to come in and eat but there is no i go out the back door and I see him out at the lake!!!! he jumped out of the fenced in yard...o no...all I can think is I am going to have to live with him getting I run after him and finally get needless to say everywhere possible for him to get out has plywood up ;)then when I got him in he got a pill from the vet - and it worked - he wasn't druged out just calm...GREAT...I actually got some work done today!

All I can say it I am ready to be home, I am ready for Dennis and Tina to be home!and I am ready to get paid for this and go to Florida!!!!!o yeah and the constuction to be DONE!!!

It isn't that bad but it is bad enough...I am just ready for everything to be back to normal!

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