Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Day 3, 4, 5, and 6 of 17

Well these days have flown by pretty quickly!! As far as I know only one accident!! which is great considering there were 4-5 the first day...I am slowing getting Alex on a schedule. Anyway Saturday was nice I got up and was just lazy...only 2 block layers showed up for about an hour to finish up with their stuff, it was so nice to be here alone...Then around 6 my mom and dad came over and we went and ate BBQ mummm it was just what I needed!

Sunday I got up and went to church and then Rodney and I went out and ate together...then I came back read the ENTIRE newspaper (I enjoyed it - weird!!)

MONDAY I went to the Dentist for my final appt for my crown YEAH!!!!

It is just perfect fits great and I am happy! I am so glad that is over and I hope I don't have to go through that again any time soon...it made me go crazy!!!

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