Saturday, May 3, 2008

Day 10 of 17 - Tornado Hits!

Well lets just say Friday was an exciting day! I woke up got ready for work and turn the news on and notice that we had some storms coming our way. So I got the dogs ready and went for a walk around 7am. Then came up to my office for work. Well I didn't get much done until I started getting phone calls...and the tornado sirens started going needless to say I got to the basement with 2 dogs and a cat. We stayed down there for probably an hour and then came was so scary just being alone down there thinking what is going on out there...b/c I couldn't see a thing...about half way through being down there the power went off - o me I I started calling everyone because I knew it was going to be going through my home town then come here...I called Rod and he was trying to get ahold of his grandparents b/c he had heard a house not to far from them had been hit...then I get ahold of mom and she say it had passed over them at the school and they were I just wait, getting ready for it to hit...Thank goodness it never did, but is came within a 1/4 of a mile...people house are gone, animals gone, power poles all down...but thankfully no deaths here...I went back home yesterday around 2 just to see what happen there and it was bad too...3 deaths...I just can't believe that only 3 people lost their lives though - It looks awful!! Don't get me wrong 3 is terrible, but to drive through that is just takes your breath away and to know there were people in all of these places that are now in crumbles...

So needless to say it was a bad day and I am happy today is sunny and pretty! I also got a call from my boss saying he was coming home early and for me to change his that is what I am doing now - so if this all works out it may only be 15 days but we will see...


Mrs. V. said...

Wow! That's pretty scary but I'm glad you are okay! + )

We have our fair share of Tornados around here but, luckily, I've never had to experience all the damage they can cause.

jenny leigh said...

Thank you!! We are all very blessed and just like any place people come together and pull through! It just shows that change happens and we are not in control God is in control...I think this is just a reminder...